Whistleblower contact form

As a responsible company, VOGEL-BAUER places the highest priority on
compliance with laws and internal guidelines is a top priority.
Misconduct and violations are to be identified at an early stage, dealt with and

This includes violations of our Code of Conduct (CoC),
health/safety/environmental/data protection regulations, trade sanctions or antitrust law, as well as corruption, fraud, violations of
human rights, theft, discrimination, sexual harassment, racism, bullying, etc..

In order to learn about compliance violations of any kind, we provide our
Whistleblower contact form whistleblower system to our own employees,
all customers, suppliers and other interested third parties.

Internal reporting channels:
If you cannot contact the person concerned, your line manager
your business partner at VOGEL-BAUER about such violations or
other incidents, you have the following options - anonymously if you wish - our internal
whistleblower experts for compliance matters:

  • Contact form on our homepage (see below)
  • Electronically via e-mail at compliance@vogel-bauer.de
  • By telephone on +49 (0) 212-23027- 97 (voicemail)

At your request, a personal meeting with our
whistleblower experts is also possible.

Please formulate your report with sufficient concrete evidence so that it can be adequately processed.
The 5-W system is helpful here:

-Who committed the infringement?
-What exactly happened?
-When did the incident occur?
-How did you find out about it?
-Where did it happen?

Our internal whistleblower experts, together with external lawyers, will follow up resolutely all incoming information in a targeted and determined
This ensures an independent, neutral and expert examination of
the facts.
Whistleblowers will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within 7 days, unless the report was made anonymously.
Measures, such as internal investigations, are carried out in consultation with our external lawyers. If necessary, queries are made during this process, which are addressed to the whistleblower if they are known.
Within 3 months, the whistleblower (if known) will receive a report from us on the processing status of the report.

Extermal reporting channel
In addition, we would like to point out that the Federal Office of Justice, the authority appointed by the German government , acts as the central external reporting centre.
(see diagram above) also receives reports of misconduct from the public sector.

Whistleblower Protection Act (Hin-SchG)
In accordance with the law, every report received by VOGEL-BAUER is always treated confidentially, carefully investigated and followed up. Maximum protection is afforded to whistleblowers and sensitive data.
Maximum protection is afforded to whistleblowers and sensitive data.
Discrimination, intimidation, hostility or retaliation in any form that occurs as a result of a report will be investigated in accordance with the same process and penalised with the necessary severity.
We will also take disciplinary and, if necessary, legal action against individuals who abuse our whistleblowing system in any way.

Yours sincerely
Lutz Vogel, Gerald Vogel

To the whistleblower contact form
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