A good idea...

...came from Markus Feldker, the head of our production planning department, who also puts his heart and soul into helping Solingen trainees.

First and foremost for our own, which he does really well.

He also acts as an examiner at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, as the initiator of many projects in cooperation with the Technical Vocational College and he was also the idea generator for a completely new type of apprenticeship/apprentice search, which has now entered its second year due to its success at its debut in 2023.

In cooperation with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Youth City Council and the City of Solingen's youth development organisation, a combination of apprenticeship fair and party was once again held in the cool Cobra location, which once again attracted many young people.

The moderate admission price of €2 also included a tasty curry sausage.

"You really can't complain..."
- many probably thought.

In the first part of the evening, renowned companies from Solingen presented themselves at stands where a lot of information material, but also action and entertaining games were used to attract the attention of young visitors.

Part 2 was all about partying, a DJ played and the atmosphere was great.

The VOGEL-BAUER team was there with enthusiasm...


Rezertifizierung 2024!

Wir freuen uns, das alljährliche Rezertifizierungsaudit erneut erfolgreich bestanden zu haben. Keine Frage, dass sich auch dieses Mal wieder neue Blickwinkel, Anregungen und Ideen ergeben haben, von denen wir selbst, vor allem aber auch unsere Geschäftspartner profitieren werden. Und wenn dann, wie heute Morgen, das Zertifikat in der Post steckt, ist es - klar - […]

Rezertifizierung 2024!

Wir freuen uns, das alljährliche Rezertifizierungsaudit erneut erfolgreich bestanden zu haben. Keine Frage, dass sich auch dieses Mal wieder neue Blickwinkel, Anregungen und Ideen ergeben haben, von denen wir selbst, vor allem aber auch unsere Geschäftspartner profitieren werden. Und wenn dann, wie heute Morgen, das Zertifikat in der Post steckt, ist es - klar - […]

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